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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Labor Day

Last night at my son's open house, the school director read off a list of what things cost back in the early 50's versus the price today. Stuff like...a loaf of bread was .19, a gallon of gas $1.25, a car about $2,000. Sounded absurd until she said the average annual salary was $4,000. I though it was interesting but I have not bothered to verify her numbers. I believe her.

What was truly scary was when she read off new words that will soon be officially entered into Websters dictionary in 2008. Among the new words that are considered proper English...crunk, ginormous, and smack down.Spell check needs to be updated to comply with these gems. I find it sad that these are acceptable as anything other than slang.

Just a few interesting facts about Labor Day:
  • It is said to have started in New York City in 1882
  • We are celebrating the US labor force off approximately 150 million.
  • Each year the average American would have spent almost 100 hours commuting.
  • There are roughly 6.5 million teachers and almost 720,000 hairdressers in the US
Now go and impress your friends armed with this new knowledge.

Have a happy and safe Labor Day. Come back relaxed and ready to begin the fall. It's yet another good time to consider reorganizing. He's a simple product that might just help you do it

Item Number: 53402 Five sections. Use alone or mounted (as shown) on Letter Size Desk Tray (UNV53201), sold separately.

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