Of course this would never happen in your office, but let's just pretend that a co-worker aggravates you. Impossible you say? Let us just imagine that the unthinkable were to come true. Now let us pretend that the level of aggravation is as such that feel the need to hurl an object at the back of his/ her head. So the question is this...what office supply item should you use now that your target is clear. Some item are easier and more effective than others. Take a manila folder for example. At first glance it has similar properties as a Chinese throwing star or perhaps even a boomerang. Don't kid yourself, a manila folder is far too erratic and no sooner does it leave your hand than it is completely out of control. If you are a fan of the slicing saw blade type action then go with a 3X3 sticky note pad, it's heavy enough to fly in a more deliberate manner thereby increasing your chances of an effective hit. Shooting rubber bands is old school but as we all know sometimes there is clear wisdom in the ancients. Don't discount the effectiveness of a properly placed launched rubber band on the back of the head. A successful hit creates a certain undeniable sense of satisfaction.
Blowing black toner in the face of your annoying co=worker is stepping it up a notch and could earn you your walking papers so despite the temptation, this "attack" should be avoided. Ballpoint pens will give you that tomahawk rotation that will allow you to strike effectively from more than 3 cubicles away. Thankfully OfficeBundle.com offers you true discount office supplies to use as you see fit!
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