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Thursday, March 13, 2008

What's the formula?

The office supply business is extremely competitive. There are literally thousands of would be sellers out there of various sizes. You'll find a wide variety from the antiquated suppliers that run their businesses like it was 1935 to the progressive supplies that rely on technology and everything in between. All of them have at least one customer that isn't a family member. So, given all the possibilities and all the noise what is that makes a buyer choose one office supplier over the next? Is it price? Is it convenience? Is it ease of use? Is it that something extra? Is it that the buyer is too lazy to switch? The truth is that it's a combination of all of those things. Most buyers now buy office supplies online. Online office supply ordering is the most efficient, cost effective method of acquiring those necessary items. is the perfect supplier for matching all the factors necessary in picking an office supply company. Are you interested in discount office supplies? If you are, instantly discounts your price off of the price off both Office Depot and Staples. Do you want efficiency? is the ultimate solution in that future supply orders can be completed in a under a minute. Do you want something extra? prefers to reward our front line buyer directly. Are you lazy? well we can't help you here but you can buy an energy drink from So if there is anything close to a formula concocted in a secret lab in order to reveal the secret behind buyer motivation, we have the closest thing to it. Yes, you will have to learn a new web address, You will have to buy your office supplies off of a new website that may look a bit different too...bBut we have faith in your talent to do so. When you go to place your standard office supply order and you type in the HEW92298X and you see that you suddenly received an instant discount plus earned reward points, you'll realize that learning a new web site address isn't so hard after all. Welcome to our lab.

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