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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Our customers tend to be younger & savvier

Happy retirement to the office dinosaur.

In terms of the office supply industry, the technical revolution is over. Internet ordering or buying office supplies online is without a doubt the preferred method of business ordering. And why not? It's fast, convenient, informative, and maintains a fair amount of ordering history. A number of companies have added a few cool features to enhance the experience but no matter, the days of the order taker showing up in an office with a legal pad and pencil ready to take your "weekly" is now a thing of the past. We'd be foolish to discount the human element but the fact remains, with products becoming more and more standardized, the need for a wealth of product knowledge is diminished. Everything from staples, to file folders, toners, and even office chairs has undergone intense standardization. The end result, besides cheaper merchandise, is the standard order with little change. Buyers are more than likely to be female and they are getting younger. Because they are tech savvy, they want to solution based systems rather than the basic show and buy set up. can accommodate this demand with a unique website proven to increase efficiency.

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