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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hopefully You're Not One of These...

I have to admit that it's getting a little bit better out there. However, I still run across office managers, buyers, the office supply purchasers, whatever their titles may happen to be, who believe that buying a little bit from this office supplier and a little bit from that one is a good idea. At first it may make sense because they feel as though they save a nickel here and a quarter there. But, in the long (and the short run) for that matter, the time spent doing this type of purchasing and then receiving and paying for it, is far more expensive than the money saved. That's why our office supply ordering site is so effective. It effectively addresses these issues. Get the prices you need while at the same time maintaining your efficiency. If you're not buying your office supplies online yet, give it a try. The percentage of commercial office supply buying conducted solely through the internet is expected to be more than 40% by 2010. .. to think it was only at 5% two years ago.


Anonymous said...

Oh how wise you are Oracle. Your point is one I try to make all the time. What about the "soft costs" in not maximizing efficiency when it comes to something like office supply purchases? If you can virtually eliminate this lost time, what does it hurt to try?

Anonymous said...

Well written article.