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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Surprised to hear it

I recently heard of a rather large company that still sends an employee out to the supply chain store to pick up needed office supplies. Here we are in 2008 and I had assumed that this archaic practice was all but extinct. Actually, I do believe that this particular company is truly the last of a dyeing breed. The chain office supply store may serve an individual, offer that much needed school supply, or even fill in as a stop gap for a minor office emergency. But for the primary source for the office's needs? That is foolish. Why? Well, for one, the cost of fuel isn't exactly going down. So are you willing to pay for both gas and the lost time strolling down the aisles looking at computer games and trying to decide what candy bar to buy? Secondly, an employee out of offical company business is technically still on the clock, as such should an accident occur, you (if you are the owner) or your company is liable. And for what? Where should you buy your office supplies? Right here of course. At you have the best of both worlds, documented low prices and ease of use. Forget the store, the whoile store and more is right at your finger tips. Okay, what office product will I suggest today? How about something that addresses a very common office ailment...wrist pain. Ergonomics seems to have lost some of its appeal but the issues have not gone away. Wrist pain associated with repeated computer navigation can be improved with this innovative mouse from 3M:

You are looking at the MMMEM500GPS

Product specifications include:
  • This mouse's unique vertical grip keeps hand and arm in a neutral position, reducing pressure on wrist’s median nerve.
  • Clinically proven to reduce discomfort associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Features a programmable third button.
You may have to get use to a new way of maneuvering your cursor but the benefits are hard to ignore. This as well as so many other fantastic office supplies are mere seconds away, mere clicks on your mouse (regardles the style) ...right next door at Heck, I'll even make it easy for you...go right this way for discount office supplies.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Instant Marketing...Lasting Impression

The practical application for this awesome office machine should be apparent. Unfortunately, an office manager may see this item ( IMN26331) and decide that the price tag along makes it unnecessary. At just over $1,300.00 ( and as always cheaper than Office Depot by the way), it may be considered a luxury office product. That would be a mistake. This machine by Imation is something that could have a dramatic improvement on office efficiency in the burning capacity alone. Next, factor in the professional look, ease, and lack of labeling supplies, and you've got a real winner here. Power point presentations, product and service demos, software, documents, and get the picture, the uses are hugely important. This is an item that your marketers must be aware of. The smartest buyers are the ones that seek new innovations and introduce them to those who might benefit the most. Simply reordering products is not the only service our office supply buyers do. At we encourage our buyers to do the research on behalf of the company and try to find those products that would actually help make others perform even better. Through e-mail alerts and blog entries, we strive to provide the information you as a buyer would need. We feel strongly about this wonderful machine and its ability to impact your office. As always, for this and thousands of other discount office supplies, please go to

Again, the item number is IMN26331. Imation write up is as follows:

Leave a lasting impression with this easy-to-use CD/DVD publishing solution. Combination printer and CD/DVD drive automatically duplicates discs and prints graphics on any standard inkjet printable disc (sold separately). High resolution and vivid colors produce professional results from edge to hub. Compact design fits on any desktop. 20-disc capacity means less time spent reloading. USB 2.0 port ensures easy connectivity and fast data transfer rates.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So what is this anyway?

Do you really want to know? Okay. But you asked for it. What you are looking at are colonies of microscopic organisms. They may be small and fuzzy but make no mistake about it, they are not friendly. The scary part is that your office is probably loaded with them. You may even have some unexplained ailments that can be traced right back to these guys. New manufacturing technology brought to you by the top office product manufacturing companies are ready to rescue you. I know. Price is paramount... especially during these tenuous economic times. However, the health of the office or lack there of is much more expensive than the extra money it may cost to stock up valuable antimicrobial office supplies. So what exactly does antimicrobial mean? Basically, an antimicrobial is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth of microbes such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Antimicrobial drugs either kill microbes (microbicidal) or prevent the growth of microbes. armed with this knowledge, look for commonly handled items like folders, envelopes, pens, binders, etc. Below is a short list of some of these fantastic antimicrobial office supplies that should become essential to your office. All of these and many many other discount office supplies can be found at

A small sampling:

Quality Park Envelopes: QUA90019
S,eadd Folders: SMD10349
Samsil View Binders: SAMU86308
Fellowes Wrist Rest: FEL9175301
Bostich Staplers: BOSB500BLK
Fellowes Computer Mouse: FEL98913
3M Mouse Pad: MMMMW269MB
Alliance Rubber Bands: ALL42179
ITW Dymon Hand Wipes: ITW90956CT
Papermate Pens: PAP85585

A healthy office is a happy office. A happy office is a productive office. A productive office is a profitable office! And so it goes...

Thursday, May 15, 2008


If you listen to the economic experts, we're heading for a recession. With some more favorable than expected economic numbers recently being released, the chatter has died down a bit but the possibility still looms large. A true recession or not, one thing does appear certain, and that is an economic downturn of some degree is fast approaching. So, what can you do? The truth is, not a whole lot. You can control your spending whenever possible. Well, that's where comes in. We're the perfect solution for small to medium sized businesses looking for legitimate savings. Save on every item. Need Avery labels? Save. Need Hewlett Packard cartridges? Save. Need copy paper? Save. Need Smead products? Save. I think you get the point. Every item, every time with proof of savings....that's what we offer and that's a powerful tool. Stop buying your office supplies the "old" way. Stop assuming your price is the best. Stop getting a coupon for a free box of pens and start getting something you could use. See. How would you like to get a $40 Target card, Wal-mart card, or gas card, every month simply for ordering the same office supplies you already use? Many of our clients do. And why not! They could certainly use it and we don't mind giving back. So you save and you receive. Are we starting to make sense? Discount Office Supplies the smart way... great idea.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Extra! Extra!

I am but the messenger, but make no mistake about it, Office Depot is in trouble. State governments such as Georgia, California, Florida, and Nebraska (click the newspaper on the right), have conducted in depth contract investigations and have discovered millions of dollars worth of contract discrepancies. In Georgia, Office Depot has lost the sate contract as a result. This news is based on government overcharges as business can conduct their own internal investigations. Besides the overcharges, the scrutiny alone has been expensive. These over-charges are not miscalculations, but rather intentional price manipulation for the purpose of profit. We understand that profits are essential to the health of any business, but when they are acquired via dubious practices, we have a right to call foul. The marketing budget of Office Depot seems bottomless. They acquire many customers strictly on name recognition alone. We are not ashamed to share this news. may not be as big as Office Depot but we serve as a viable alternative for verifiable discount office supplies.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Not the standard binder


What makes a product "eco-friendly"? Besides it's biodegradability, a key factor is durability. If you don't have to constantly replace an item, if truly lasts, then fewer need to be purchased. You may buy 5 cheap binders for everyone solidly constructed one. Cardinal has created on with some fantastic features such as:

* Biodegrades Safely – Polyolefin
cover is more environmentally
friendly than polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

* High Recycled Content – Each contains a
minimum of 50% post-consumer recycled content.

* Renewable/Reusable – Non-stick cover won’t
stain from ink transfer and is so strong, it’s
guaranteed for one year not to split or tear even
in extreme temperatures. So you’ll be able to reuse
XtraLife binders again and again.

* Conservative Footprint – Slant-D® shape rings
hold at least 25% more than round rings, so you
can use a smaller size binder to save shelf space.
Cushy GelTab triggers make rings comfortable
to operate.

For outstanding prices on thousands of discount office supplies, please visit